Tuesday, 4 January 2011

a timely quote from 'they speak in silences' from the yahoo group:
. . . All these miseries which crisscross our lives are at bottom of little account. . .
It is only the surface of the soul which has been slightly ruffled; the depths have remained
untroubled. Alas for us that we do not live sufficiently in those depths where peace reigns, but
far too much on the surface where we get disturbed. There you have the true secret of our
Carthusian calm and joy. The daily upsets of hurt and wounded feelings are found no less among us than anywhere else. They form part of our existence here below, and we are still
living in this world! But we do not let them distress us. A whole part of ourselves emerges from and dominates them, and all our endeavour is to live by this loftier part. It is there we
preserve our serenity of soul; and it is there that our 'palm tree in the desert' grows, beneath the shade of which we rest in peace.

Alas for us that we do not live sufficiently in those depths where peace reigns, but
far too much on the surface where we get disturbed. 

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