Friday, 31 December 2010

patrick in the yahoo group posted tonight.
part of his post was a story about faith.
A father and his young son went mountain climbing. After spending an exhilarating day in the cool, fresh air, it began to grow dark. As father and son began to descend the mountain on their way home, the father, being swifter of foot, was soon lost from sight of the son. The young lad plodded on and soon reached a precipice. Being unnerved at the great height from where he stood and the chasm that glared up at him, a plaintive voice cried out: "Dad, where are you? I am afraid". The father's encouraging voice rang out, " I am standing just below you". The lad once more called out uncertainly, "How shall I come down from here? It is very dark and I cannot see you". The father once more called out reassuringly, "But I can see you. Just jump down and I will catch you in my arms".

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