Tuesday 8 September 2009

and today?

today is a different day.
two things that grew out of yesterday perhaps: first the quartet (which is no longer a quartet: more a sextet or even octet? [extra strings in the bottom registers].
I played through the first movement several times yesterday before continuing (a little frenetically) with the second movement and never understood it once. today I tried a different tack: no pushing of the tempo and no looking 'forward' into either phrasing or overall shape. this time it seemed to work: so the piece hangs curiously in the air.
I know it has to do with faith because that is what the piece is about [the piece is really about itself]. . . I cannot think of another way of putting this . . . the piece is also perhaps designed to put off listeners? not deliberately of course . . . .
faith is actually the other thing anyway: which brings me to the point about this post:
my music today is about my prayer and my prayer is about my music

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