Friday 5 December 2008

the problem with language

it is language that makes man who he is:
our greatest strength
but also our greatest weakness.

in order to understand we dissect.
we box, we seperate,
we disentangle, we label,
we segregate, we order,
we slice, we examine, and we file
until the entire universe lies in pieces around us
neatly arrayed, categorised and quite dead.

but when it comes to piecing back together;
and breathing back life,
our powers fail us.

our inevitable mistake is to think of the universe,
not as a universe at all,
but as a sort of super-engine
with a billion moving parts.

this is not the fault of the scientists.
it is the western way of thinking.

on the spiritual way
the purpose is still 'to understand'
but the route is different.
the very way that we think
must first be unlearnt.
this alone can take a lifetime!

having said all that,
could it be that the latest developments of science:
[quantum mechanics, string theory, dark matter]

are actually the scientist's own steps towards unlearning?

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