Tuesday, 2 January 2018


regarding the modern way of seeing: our scientific view of the world. The only anti-dote to scientific positivism - the idea that what the scientist "says" about the world must be true because proven - the world of hard surfaces if you like - has to be a better understanding of the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein on the limitations of language. It is exactly the same with what we might call "religious positivism" - which directly opposes "scientific positivism" of course  - but is paradoxically built upon the same scientific view of the world. For the religious positivist it is not the scientist who speaks the truth but the prophets of old - through the Koran and the Bible essentially. Not so much "hard surfaces" in their case but "hard facts" instead. Wittgenstein should be studied by all. If only he was a little easier to understand!

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