Sunday, 4 January 2015

thoughts in a new year

I wasn't looking for an emotional experience.
I just wanted to know where things stood.

multi-universe theory be blowed.
I'm not saying it's wrong.
I don't have the know-how to refute.
but I need to trust my intuition; my instinct . . . 

this word: "know".
like "love": overused, and yet central though it can have many different implications.

in Icelandic there are two words "vita" and "kunna". In French, "savoir" and "connaitre".
In English just "know"?

but . . . . .  I still know.

an important contradiction:
nature as savage, whilst you are not.
how can that be? 

thinking about it, perhaps nature isn't as savage as it appears.
family is still at the heart of it. lots of loving goes on . . . . .
yes, a lot of eating goes on too.

but you seem to want to draw us away from that . . . . to transform that nature:
lion and lamb . . . an end to violence.

creation continues then: from elemental fireball to community. 
so you're still working on it?

and we are an essential part of that.
however tiny a speck we might occupy in the grand scheme of things.

but size isn't everything:
important for us to have in mind as we gaze out across countless ions of time and space.

size isn't everything. in fact, size isn't really anything.
size is just size.
enormous/ tiny.
it is Being which counts.

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