Friday, 8 March 2013

in the tablet: James Hanvey (another American Jesuit)
We need to acknowledge the deep desolation caused not only by the crisis of abuse but also by the way it is addressed. We need to accept that it is not the enemies of the church who have exposed this wound, but the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. It is the same spirit who gives us the grace to act with integrity. 

and later:
All the popes since Vatican ll have been aware of the need to develop a fuller theology of the papacy. With this must go a reform of the Vatican Curia - not just in terms of structure but in terms of ethos. It needs to be less about governing the Universal Church than serving it. 

and later:
We are now at the moment of a new appropriation of Vatican ll, whose riches we have barely begun to unfold. Part of the problem over both interpretation and practice has been that theology after Vatican ll has not kept pace with its insights. Often the council glimpsed a truth but lacked the theology to develop it or to explore its consequences. 

 . . . There is a need for a clearer theology of the sensus fidelium which is not just a passive assent to Christian truth but an active wisdom manifest in the faithful praxis of Christian life and witness . . . .

the church is not preoccupied by its own survival but it has the needs and future of humanity as its task. It is a church which follows the incarnate and resurrected Christ into all the depths of the history and the empty places of the human heart, and always with love.  . . . 

for such a church, secularisation is not a threat but a call. 

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