Sunday, 3 April 2011

the psalms, the psalms, the psalms

I won't be saying anything new here now. It's just that it struck me again so forcibly exactly how much of a moulding force the psalms have been in my life.
I don't think that it is any coincidence that my first real conversion happened just moments after singing midday office with the monks at Worth Abbey for the very first time. We (they) were singing parts of psalm 118 I think, but also the first psalms - which seemed to get sung an awful lot at Worth come to think of it and always with the same gelineau tone.
It wasnt the singing, and it wasnt the monks themselves: it was almost certainly the psalms themselves. 
ever since then, the psalms have gradually worked their way to the very centre of my life in you and, I know now, that is where they will stay.
If only those who do not know you could see that the Christian life is not about answers or understanding or wisdom or peace or even doing good things or living morally. It is about belonging.
It is only when we know that we belong that  the rest can follow.

so isnt the "kingdom of heaven" simply the place where we know, without the shadow of doubt, that we really do belong?

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