my music stopped when I decided that noone was listening.
I say decided and not realised because it isn't necessarily the truth.
it's me being melodramatic.
and anyway the truth is never black and white like that.
that day when I couldn't understand my own music
that was perhaps the day . . .
I remember my heart sinking at the sound of it.
like a cook getting the sponge out of the oven
and finding it flat as a pancake and burnt to boot.
the source of the joy had evaporated
leaving only dust.
like a happy banquet after all the guests have finished and left:
a tumble of left-overs, smears, crumbs and dirty dishes.
tonight confirmed for me something that has been dawning for months:
without you everything is dust.
and still the problem is to allow God to be God in the way in which God is:
not to try to reform you into a more suitable, digestible shape.
I am who I am
it will never be a question of understanding that:
only a question of allowing it to be:
the temptation to tamper and meddle is still so unbearably strong
[there is so much I still need to tell you!]
if I ever sing again it can only be to you
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