I've said this before probably. it's seems so important - when I remember it:
the psalms seem to be all about us calling you.
"do this God. do that God. be here God, don't leave me God!"
but when I glimpse that it is actually much more you calling us/me these are always moments of surprising joy.
scripture can be very misleading unless we are able to read between the lines.
we are constantly urged to be calling for you to forgive us.
"in overview, sin is the gulf between you and us"; yes I get that:
we are human and you are so "other" . . .
(I always remember that little book by the Taize monk on this: so helpful!)
. . .that it seems impossible to bridge the gap unless we beg you to forgive us for being human: vulnerable and very, very weak.
(you already have. you tell us this over and over. we just find it hard to believe)
I think though we also have to forgive you: for being so "other"; so different.
So "other" in fact that understanding you seems impossible; is impossible.
The more we try, the further away from you, your essence, we seem to find ourselves.
it is when we stop looking that moments come when we glimpse how close you are.
our need for you is overwhelming.
but you need us too.
a lot!
(you tell us this over and over.
and still we hardly grasp it.)
everything I know about you is only what you tell me.
but without you telling it to me again and again I cannot remember it.
we can never remember you.
we can only glimpse you in the present moment.
the one who IS.
(and yet you are just as much NOT.)
impossible God!
(and I know what your reply to that might be.)