Tuesday, 28 February 2012

on youtube I replied to someones question: 

"It does strike me that even the tiniest amount of 'something' will inevitably make 'nothing' impossible so I agree with 'no borders'!

wimsweden then asked: "Wouldn't that mean that the classical Abrahamic view of "Creatio ex nihilo" is self-contradictory because it posits a "something", i.e. God, that creates something (else) from nothing, which never was because something, i.e. God, always existed?

This was my reply: (its so hard to fit a decent answer into youtube's word limit.)

when people say that God does not exist they are absolutely right. If he is outside time he is also outside 'existence' (but 'non-existence' also): these are concepts for a finite being. The word 'nothing' is central here. If the word 'Nothing' derives from the two words 'no thing', this is perhaps the ONLY thing we can say about God: that he is No Thing. I dont like to speak of God in the third person though: it only takes us further into crisis.
on BBC's Start the Week someone quoted this:
Christianity is a bit like a swimming pool: all the noise is at the shallow end.

Even that quote is a bit dated now . . . .

Sunday, 26 February 2012

new wine in old wineskins . . . . .

. . . . . in an article by Robert Mickens in the "tablet" this week:
'Quite simply, the crisis is this: the structures of the Catholic church are no longer adequate for life in the modern world or responsive to the developments of the church's own ecclesiology and self-understanding. "Noone puts new wine into old wineskins". . . . . . . .
The "new wine" that came forth from the 2nd Vatican Council - the rediscovery of episcopal collegiality . . . , the awareness of the church being a 'communio' of all the baptised, the full participation of the laity in the liturgy and the mission of the church risks being lost because the post-conciliar church has not been able to provide "new wineskins" or new structures to sustain such a kind of church.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

saturday matins on sandvíksheiði.

the journey on thursday evening: it seemed to me that if I reached out I could touch you.
not joy but purpose and peace. 
so rare. 
so many errors. so much time wasted.

the other day you said: I am enough.
I heard and listened but I have still not understood.

a change though:
previously my work seemed to me to be a real block.
now I have accepted, at least partially, that it has to be my way.
but I can only work on this when you are near.